Art Director / Creative

I like art directing fun stuff and writing dumb stuff. 👋🤠

Currently working at Something Different in Brooklyn, NY.

For Work
Spectrum - Spokesperson
Marla Aaron - Jewelry At Work
UN Women - Unpack The Everyday
Spectrum - Ring Ring
Marla Aaron - Locked Up
Elmer’s - What If?!
Spectrum - Yardmates

Not For Work (but SFW)
This Is Why I’m Single
We Stan
Misc. Posters

About Me ︎︎︎


It was fun writing dumb jokes to sell phones and stuff. Originally part of a campaign with two housemates, but these were all written right before the start of covid... so we ended up having to rewrite the subject matter to have the two roommates in their backyard.

CD: Richard Ryan
CW: Malia Bence & Joel Chua
AD: Joel Chua